Pros And Cons Of Two Working Parents

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In the olden days they used to say that a woman’s place is in the kitchen and with the children but there have been dramatic changes in that picture! Women are joining their husbands in the working field. But not everyone is too happy about that. There are quite a few disadvantages to this case. Many parents work to have double the income but they sometimes have a small problem. Who will watch their kids? Not every family has grandparents by their side. This means they will have to hire a babysitter, and they don’t come free! Both my parents work a full day and we have a babysitter. Not exactly cheap services. Another disadvantage is care! Since neither of the parents is at home the children have no one to cook for them and in the modern world there are not many teenagers able to cook a meal for themselves. Kids would probably feel ignored and neglected as there is no one to help them with homework, drive them around town or even do simple things a kid loves to do with his folks, like watching a movie together! But it’s not only the kids who are affected by this matter. The parents will be exhausted trying to juggle their responsibilities at home and work! But to every problem there is an upside and this matter isn’t an exception. First of all the number one reason the second parent decides to start working is an extra wage. More money around the household every month is never a bad thing! Some parents both work simply because they cannot afford taxes, bills or the rent which forces them to work. But some women who have nothing better to do and are sick of being a housewife may get a job to for that little extra! Another reason women start work is because they want to get rid of stereotypes such as the father is a business man and the mother stays at home and watches the kids. Despite the pros and cons I think there is no right or wrong decision. It comes down to
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