How Science Help Us Fall In Love

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1. "How science can help fall in love" by Robert Epstein talks about how in oder to achieve a strong long-lasting relationship we have to take control of our actions, instead of leaving it up to faith. His main point is that the fix for poor performance in romantic relationships is to extract a practical technology from the research and then to teach people how to use it. There is many ways to achieve this, and Epstein walks us through the steps. He explains how there is few but essential and main factors that lead us to a successful relationship. He explained all of these factors as well as what the positive outcomes are. Along with that, he talks about how he used the experiments with his college students, and the surprising results students got following different activities. 2. This article has to do with social psychology, specifically with Robert Sternberg's theory of love. The three components of love in Sternberg's theory appear as main points in many ,if not all, of Epstein's love building exercises as well as in the many studies of intimacy and relationship. In the article, they also talk about aspects of the rules of attraction. This are very important as well since how we start a relationship can also determine how the relationship will be in the future. He explains this with several examples such as how sometimes we only pick partners because of how physically attracted we are to them, an this may set us up to failure. Rules of attraction such as proximity and similarity also appear in his love building exercises. 3. One issue I had trouble with before even reading the article was the title. I was trying to understand how science could help us fall in love. I thought the article was going to be about chemicals, and found it kind of weird. This was resolved once I read the article. Another issue the role of vulnerability in a relationship. What I mean
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