09 Which of These Two Was the Greater Threat to Peace in Europe in the 1930s: the Sudetenland Crisis in Czechoslovakia, September–October 1938 or the Nazi-Soviet Pact, August 1939? You Must Refer to Both Threats When Explaining Your Answer.

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Both events were a large threat to peace, The Sudetenland crisis began in 1938 Hitler demanded that Czechoslovakia handed over the Sudetenland so that he could achieve his foreign policy aim to unite German speaking people. This incident threatened peace because Hitler threatened war unless Czechoslovakia handed over Sudetenland and because Czechoslovakia had defence agreements with Russia and France they would have gotten involved also this was a threat to peace because people living in the Sudetenland wanted to be a part of Germany so this could have protests and riots as Czechoslovakia didn’t want to hand over the Sudetenland. This would have been dangerous as most of Czechoslovakia’s military industries were in the Sudetenland so they would not have been able to defend themselves. However this crisis was resolved as the Munich agreement was organised to bring peace. The Nazi soviet pact which was signed on the 23rd of august 1939 as a non-aggression pact although was also a threat to peace, after the invasion of Czechoslovakia Hitler signed this pact with Stalin in which they agreed not to go to war with each other, within the pact they also secretly agreed to invade Poland and divide it. This would have been a threat as both countries weren’t on good terms with Britain and France so both superpowers would be able to help defend each other. This pact was dangerous as if they did invade Poland there would be an inevitable war as Britain had promised to defend Poland if ever invaded. The pact also threatened peace between capitalists and communists it didn’t make sense to the world that anti-communist Hitler who considered Russians subhuman would make a pact with them so this pact would have annoyed and shocked Russian communists, which could have led to protests in Russia and Germany threatening peace. It also would have shocked Britain and France and could be

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