The Nazi Soviet Pact Played a Greater Part in Causing War in 1939 Than Did the Policy of Appeasement- How Far Do You Agree?

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There were many reasons how the Nazi Soviet Pact played a greater part in causing war in 1939 than the policy of appeasement such as an important factor, which let Hitler invade Poland without having to fight a war on two fronts. Also, after the failure of appeasement, the British had guaranteed polish security. Once Germany invaded, the British would be forced to declare war. The Nazi Soviet Pact can be considered major causes of World War Two, however the policy of appeasement was the most important reason for the war. The Nazi-Soviet pact was responsible for the outbreak of war because France and Britain had decided to finally intervene. Since Hitler had taken Czechoslovakia as a cause of Britain’s policy of appeasement, this frightened USSR and Stalin felt that the only way to keep the USSR safe was by signing the Nazi- Soviet pact. The Nazi-Soviet pact gave Hitler confidence in invading Poland and was a way to avoid war on two fronts. Britain and France on the other hand felt it was time to react and as soon as Germany’s army entered Poland they themselves prepared their own military defenses causing the Second World War. The pact was the final cause of war as Hitler could now invade Poland without any interference from Stalin. Britain and France had declared war on Germany as they guaranteed Poland’s independence. However, the policy of appeasement in the 1930’s also played a big role in causing the Second World War. Appeasement had led Hitler to believe that Britain and France were weak. Britain and France gave Germany the Rhineland, the Sudetenland and they were allowed to have an Anschluss with Austria. They also let Germany re-arm and get powerful. Appeasement led to the Munich Agreement in 1938. The Munich Agreement was the treaty that Stalin and Hitler signed to avoid war between each other. Stalin signed this treaty because Britain and France didn’t

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