Verbal And Non Verbal Communication

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Running head: Verbal and non verbal communication Verbal and non verbal communication Abstract: Nonverbal communication is one the main factor in all relationships among the humans in this world. In this the message will be mainly conveyed by an expression in a way of anger and tension that the words used are mainly in verbal form. This way of study of various facial expressions is useful in the field like police work and in fields which are necessary. In these cases, a person does a thing and it will be valuable than any other saying in solving a personal issue. Verbal and non verbal communication issues: The various issues that can affect in nonverbal communication are given and are Cultural Differences, Misinterpretation, Vulnerability, Facial expressions, Body movements and posture, Touch, voice. These kind of the Verbal and non verbal communication will affects various places like police situations, courtroom settings and many other related fields. A Verbal communication can easily reduce the public announcements to the people in press in many ways. The first way is that the verbal communication will mainly affect the way of presenting the information to the people. In this way the Verbal communication will make an easy attempt for the person who is going to present the information directly to the public people from many areas. The person will also be able to choose the good means of content and can measure easily the way it affects the public who are not responsible for these measures. This verbal communication will also affect public announcement to the press in a means of negative manner. This way of affection in the public arises when the speaker does not know the method and the basic ideas to communicate clearly and directly to the people of these areas. This means of communication can also
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