Unit 201 Health and Social Care

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Unit 201 Outcome 1 understand why communication is important in adult social care settings. 1.1 To express needs, to share ideas and information, to reassure people, express feelings, Build relationships, receive information and instructions, and socialise. 1.2 to ensure that our learners are kept in a safe environment, and staff commutate anything that is important and relevant so we communicate using key things such as, Handover with Colleagues, books staff, message book, Staff meetings, meetings with my Line Manager Etc. Effective communication is important as it ensures that information is: clear, concise, accurate if not then you may face conciseness 1.3 Its important to observe individuals reactions when communicating with them as our learners express themselves differently. Those learners that are nonverbal use various methods such as expressions, hand signals etc. also if you’re not picking up the signs or their reactions you’ll be putting yourself at risk or them by making them angry or making them feel insecure so that something bad could happen so it’s always good to observe everything and be aware individual’s reactions. Outcome 2 understand how to meet the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of an individual. 2.1 So you can communicate in a way to enable them to stay safe and enjoy opportunities within informed choice and with respect. 2.2 Verbal- language Non-verbal- written, pitchers, sign language, PECS. Sensory, touch, smell hearing. Technology, phones, computers, email , texts, ipad etc. Outcome 3 understand how to reduce barriers to communication 3.1 Disabilities’ and associated learning difficulties and disorders. 3.2 Ensure you read and understand the care plan/ assessment notes prior to working with a new individual. Talk to their key
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