Assignment 201 Principles of Communication in Adult Social Care Setting

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Assignment 201 Principles of communication in adult social care setting Outcome 1 Understand why communication is important in adult social care settings Outcome 1.1 Identify different reasons why people communicate If a person wants something, such as a glass of water If someone wants some information. If someone is lonely and wants someone to talk to. If person is saying how they are feeling. If someone expressing an emotion such as fear, anger or pain etc. Outcome 1.2 Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of working in adult social care settings It is important to have good communication with colleagues because they will be clear in what you said and there will be no ambiguities and you will work more efficiently. Outcome 1.3 Explain why it is important to observe individual reactions when communicating with them. The individual may be able to understand what you have said but may have a problem by communicating by speech back to you so observing body language or expression is important. If the individual shows no reaction they may have a hearing problem or are slow to understand so repeat what you have said Outcome 2 Understand how to meet the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of an individual. Outcome 2.1 Explain why it is important to find out an individual’s communication and language needs, wishes and preferences. Finding about the wishes, preferences and language skills of an individual comes with experience from helping them and makes their lives more comfortable and rewarding and easier for the carer to fulfil their needs. Outcome 2.2 Describe a range of communication methods. Speaking loudly and clearly, keeping sentences short and precise, trying not to convey too much information too quickly. Using visual gestures and signs may be very effective for the hard of hearing. Touching, holding
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