The Reading Wait Short Story

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The Reading Wait I’d wake up at 5:30am every morning. After taking a quick shower, I’d comb my long hair back into a low ponytail, making sure that there were no sharkfins. There could never be any sharkfins. I’d put on a T-shirt and jorts and head upstairs to eat breakfast, usually just a bowl of cereal. Captain Crunch if I was lucky. Then I’d go downstairs, brush my teeth, and grab my bookbag. As I sprinted upstairs, gravity would slomp my oversized bookbag up and down. It didn’t matter though because what came next was always the best. At this point in the morning it would be about 6:15. It never took me long to get ready. At the top of the stairs I’d turn left to see the open living room. My couch would always be slouching a little on the left side from where I’d leap on to it each morning. Then I’d reach into my bookbag and pull out whatever novel I was reading. Slowly I’d open the book to whatever page I was on and begin to read. The texture of the pages lingered on my fingertips as I longed to reach the next part of the story. I’d read and read…show more content…
I don’t know why being late was such a scary thought to me, but it was, and I would leap up and bound into the kitchen looking above the gas range at the digital clock – I could never tell time fast enough on the regular clock on the ugly, red-floral-wallpapered wall. Probably because I’d be distracted by the ugly, red-floral-wallpapered wall. Normally I’d be completely fine on time, but the thought has always scared me. So I’d go back to my couch, my seat, my safe haven, and pick up my book a little flustered but ready to dive back into my adventure, keeping a few hairs on my ear pricked up enough to catch when my father said “Hey you guuyss, time to

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