Greatest Challenge: Picture Day

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BEEEP! The alarm goes off. My groggy mind is drawn out of an interesting dream and slowly pulled back to reality. Just a few more minutes won’t hurt as I press the snooze for the fourth time and let my mind slip back into dreamland. The covers were so warm and my body in the most comfortable position ever. My eyes peep open just wide enough to see the tiny green numbers on my alarm clock. It was six thirty! I knew instantly I was going to be late for band. Despite my tiredness, I forced myself out of the comfort of my burrow and drug myself over to my closet. It was one of the worst days of the year, picture day! Of course I had to wake up late this day. I tried my very best to throw together a decent outfit. Is black, green, or blue, my best color? What goes well with my green eyes? So many decisions for such an early morning! I ended up choosing a pink-salmon color with a pair of blue jeans, which couldn’t be seen in the picture anyway. Just before heading out the door, I grab a cup of coffee that my dad regularly makes, and of course, it spills on my shirt. With much frustration, I run upstairs and franticly pick out a new shirt. I go with a black shirt just in case my clumsy self spills again. My phone rings and I get a call from my sister requesting a ride to school. (She lives at a different house than I.) Of course, only on picture day did she need a ride, were my thoughts. I was already running 15 minutes late, but with much reluctance I agree. When I arrived my sister wasn’t waiting outside like she usually is. I honk the horn and try her cell phone, but there was no response. Without knowing what to do, I simply just drove to school. Being late to band is one of the worst things a color-guard member can endure. I ended up being twenty minutes late and had to run ten laps around the gym. Only on picture day. After that Mr. Pentico decided it was a

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