First Day of High School

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Jung 1 Brian Jung Madrid English 1 5 September 2014 The First Day of High School The clock struck 6:30, I was lying in bed, and it was time to get up. I tumbled in my bed, while my emotions were going all over the place. Being that my mom was the one who woke me up, I waited in bed and closed my eyes as she came near my room to cover my anxiety. It was the first day of high school and I was as excited as one can be. Taking my shower towel in with me to brush my teeth and my toothbrush down stairs with me to eat breakfast, I was oblivious to everything except for the special day that I envisioned at school. Once I was ready, my mom drove me to school and asked me several questions, told me what do after school, and yet I came out of the car unaware of what she had said. Walking onto campus and embracing my surroundings, I kept telling myself, "This is my time, now let's go make it happen." It was the first day of the rest of my life, that is, my grown up life. My stomach was anxiously groaning for food as I had realized I had neglected to eat breakfast that morning. With my heart pounding, I was shaking nervously from within. I slowly walked forward as I started looking at all the other kids; most were in large groups and all talking and laughing about the latest new gossip. I felt very small and surprisingly shy as I trotted onto the campus. I felt so lost as I was approached by thousands of students. I gazed upon the overwhelming swarm of buzzing freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors and tried to figure out how I was supposed to arrive to my classes on time. To make matters worse, I didn’t even know where to look! However, after much hopeless wandering, I managed to grasp the whole “hundred buildings” idea. Unfortunately, searching for them made me late to my next 4 periods. As I sat in my classes, I was introduced to a wide variety of different

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