The Brain Eater

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The Brain Eater Many ways are visible to possibly cut short the ambition of the human race to survive and thrive on Earth, such as diseases. Many diseases have come close to this goal such as The Black Death, polio, and even smallpox. This war has been raging on from the dawn of man; although, scientist cures these diseases, new and emerging disease make a new impact in this war for survival. One of these emerging diseases that have the full potential to cause an impact in history such as The Black Death is Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis. Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis is a disease that is caused from infection of a certain amoeba, Naegleria Fowleri. Amoebas are single-celled organisms, and Naegleria Fowleri also known as brain-eating amoeba is a species discovered in 1965 (Brain-Eating Amoeba 1). The Naegleria family are mostly composed of cytoplasm; thus, obtaining the ability to change form to thrive in certain conditions. When conditions are not favorable, then Naegleria move cytoplasm to form flagella to find a food source. When a food source is available certain Naegleria modify to become trophozoites to feed. While in trophozoite state the cytoplasm is stimulated to form pseudopods or feet to latch on, and an opening of the membrane is created. This opening in the membrane allows the food particles, along with drops of water, to enter the cell, where they are enclosed in bubble-like chambers called food vacuoles (Amoeba 1). Interestingly, the opening is where food is digested by enzymes and absorbed in the cell. The food source of the Naegleria family is typically bacteria, algae, and other protozoa. There are currently seven known species of the Naegleria family; consequently, one certain species is known to cause diseases to humans. This species is called Naegleria Fowleri; also, known as the Brain-Eating Amoeba. N. fowleri is microscopic: 8

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