Causes of Spread of Infection

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Causes and Spread of Infection The differences between Bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites are Bacteria are found everywhere ie, air, water, soil, animals, people and food. It is a single cell micro-organism that retrieves its nutrition from the environment. Bacteria can only be seen through a microscope. They are shaped like short rods, spheres or spirals. It is stated on that, “Not all bacteria are harmful. In fact, less than 1 percent cause disease, and some bacteria that live in your body are actually good for you”. However there are some bad bacteria which cause diseases such as, MRSA, strep throat, tuberculosis, anthrax and urinary tract infections. Viruses are a great deal smaller than bacteria. They are contained in a protein coating which makes them more difficult to destroy. Virus cells are shaped like rods, spheres or tiny tadpoles. They reproduce by invading cells in our body. Viruses can be more serious and are responsible for causing a variety of diseases for example, Norovirus, AIDS, HIV, influenza, small pox and measles. There are different types of fungi for example mushrooms are a fungi and some cheeses have fungi in them, however fungi can also cause illnesses such as Candida, this is yeast that causes infection. Fungi are also responsible for skin problems such as, oral thrush, athlete’s foot and ringworm. A Parasite is an organism that lives inside another organism, which is known as the host. The host can be for eg, a human being, animal. The parasite is dependent on its host for survival, it has to be in the host to live, grow and multiply. Although a parasite rarely kills the host, in some rare cases it can happen. It uses the host to gain strength, and the host becomes weak. It is responsible for causing various diseases such as, malaria, tapeworm, ringworm and roundworm. There are also parasites which live on the

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