Nvq 3 - Asm34

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1 1.1 1. The medicines Act 1968 2. The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 3. The Children Act 1989 4. The Data Protection act 1998 5. The Care Standards Act 2000 6. The Health and Social Care Act 2001 7. The Health Act 2000 8. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 9. COSHH Regulations 1999 10. Mental Capacity Act 2005 11. The Access to Health Records Act 1990 In the administration of medication, the staff member responsible must exercise accountability by: * Acting in a manner as to promote and safeguard the interests and wellbeing of the su’s * Ensure that no action a omission is made which would be detrimental to the interest, condition or safety of the su’s * Maintain and improve their competence * Acknowledge any limitations in knowledge and competence and decline any duties and responsibilities they are unable to perform in a safe manner until given proper instruction to fulfil the task The national minimum standards require the registered person puts in place policies and procedures for the receipt, recording, storage, administration and disposal of medicines. These policies and procedures are to protect not only the su’s, but also the staff, who are responsible for the administration of medication. All staff have a duty of care to the su’s and should be appropriately trained, before undertaking any medication administration. The medicines act 1968 and various amendments cover the legal management of medication, while staff are not expected to have a detailed knowledge of the legislation, they do need to be aware of the legal differences between types of drugs and legal framework that allows them to handle medicines on behalf of the su’s. The list 1-11 of legislation has a direct impact upon the handling of medication within a social care setting. 2 2.1 Depression is commonly treated with antidepressant
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