Hsc34 Essay

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WRITTEN QUESTIONS Unit Title: Principles for implementing duty of care in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings Unit sector reference: SHC34 Candidate name: ……… ……………………………………………………………. Answer the following questions, give examples where necessary. Question | Answers | 1.1 Explain what it means to have a duty of care in own work role | As a professional working within health care, it is necessary and very important that we follow a code of practice which is set out by each employer in all work settings; this involves putting the needs and interests of those that we care for first. It is vital to keep everyone in our care safe from harm and unnecessary risk, which means we need to ensure that no individual in our care is abused or neglected. Also planning the day and having a routine which best fits around each individual ensuring that their best interests and personal choices come first. Other ways are - It also our duty of care to promote independence, and ensure that all individuals are aware of what their rights are. We should be aware of how to recognize signs of abuse, neglect or unacceptable behaviour and to follow policies and procedures if this happens All individuals should be treated fairly and without prejudice Informing management if there is anything that is stopping us from carrying out our job safely Complying with health and safety regulations Ensuring residents know about the complaints procedure and to report a complaint | 1.2 Explain how duty of care contributes to the safeguarding or protectionof individuals | We are responsible in keeping individuals safe from harm, whether it is illness, abuse or harm and injury. We can do this by involving families and other health care professionals in their care plan, getting ideas on ways best to support their family. Following a code of practice and
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