Electrocardiograph Essay

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Unit 4223-338
338.1 Perform Routine Electrocardiograph (ECG) Procedures
1.2 Understand current legislation, national guidelines, policies, protocols and good practice which impact on own role
1.2 Explain own responsibilities and accountability in relation to current legislation, national guidelines, policies, protocols and good practice guidelines
1.3 Explain the duty to report any acts or omissions in care that could be detrimental.
The Executive Director for Nursing and Governance has overall responsibility for ensuring guidelines are implemented.
There is corporate responsibility for ensuring clinical guidelines are supported by appropriate training, policy distribution and awareness and incorporation into the clinical governance agenda, in terms of audit.
All clinical staff should be aware of their own responsibility and accountability when recording or interpreting an ECG and always adhere to professional codes of practice and ensure their clinical competence is maintained.
It is the responsibility of the person who is performing the ECG to ensure they provide the Doctors with a legible and accurate ECG recording. This will avoid misinterpretation of the ECG and also prevent any mismanagement of care provided for the patient.
The staff performing the ECG must ensure the Doctors are aware the ECG has been done and needs assessing in order to promote prompt action and effective care for the patient. This should be documented on Paris.
Interpretation of the ECG reading is the responsibility of the Doctors not the nursing/ care support staff. Doctors who are unsure of how to interpret the ECG reading must seek advice from another Doctor who is competent before administrating any treatment.
Doctors/Consultants wishing to change a patient’s medications prescribed by another consultant following an ECG should seek advice from the named consultant first.

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