Nodular Melanoma Research Paper

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The Cause, Symptoms, and Treatment of Nodular Melanoma Tatyana Bichkova Kingborough Community College The largest of all the organ's in the body is the skin. Skin is also on the exterior part of the body and it protects us from sunlight, infection, injury, and heat. Many people that do not protect their skin from the sun and can develop one of the three different types of cancers. These are basal cell skin cancer, squamous cell skin cancer, or melanoma. Melanoma is more severe then squamous cell or basal cell skin cancer. Melanoma is a type of cancer where malignant (infectious) cells form in the skin cells particularly. These skin cells are called melanocytes and they are what color…show more content…
If you have a risk factor, this does not mean you will necessarily get cancer. Unfortunetly, not having any known risk factors does not mean you cannot get cancer. What are the risk factors for obtaining nodular melanoma? Caucasions are highly more likely to develop N.M. than Hispanic, Asian, or Black individuals. Being white with a fair complexion, freckles, or having light hair/eyes can also increase the risk of N.M. People who burn easily in the sun and are exposed to it over long periods of time, make them at high risk. Family history plays a huge role if there were cases of melanoma in the past. Most patients with nodular melanoma have had a sibling or parent with the disease. If it runs in the family, you must do routine self-exams as well as annual skin exams. Often having 100 or more moles increases your risk of N.M. Another factor is gender, men are more likely to develop N.M. over females. Your age too can play a role and the risk increases for people over 60. N.M. can often develop in people that have a weak immune system. This can be from taking a specific medication or having an organ transplant. There is also a rare disease called Xeroderma Pigmentosum. This disease is hereditary and is caused by a defect in the enzyme that usually repairs the UV damage in our DNA. Having this disease may lead to the development of Nodular Melanoma. Living in sunny areas like Florida or…show more content…
How fast the cancer cells are dividing play a role in how much time you have to treat the disease. The thickness of the tumor and where it is in the body can weigh on the correct type of treatment to be used. If there is bleeding or an ulcer at the site this is also a factor. The amount of spots the cancer has spread in the body. Also, the patients general health at the time can effect the right treatment options. The next step when a treatment plan is formulated is to remove the abnormal lesion or mole. This typically can leave a permanent scar but is well worth it. Surgery is an option where a local incision is made and the most common treatment option for nodular melanoma. The only downside to this option is that it can result in a high risk of the lesion returning. Another option is chemotherapy which is the use of chemicals that kill the cells. Radiation too is an option and that is the use of ionizing radiation beams that kill cells. Both of these methods are very extreme and draining on a patient. They become very weak and sick through these treatments because they kill not only malignant cells but healthy ones as well. Both radiation and chemotherapy yield mixed results. After the lesion is removed it is taken to a lab for microscopic evaluation. Following treatment, there is routine check ups to your doctor for monitoring. Nodular melanoma has a poor prognosis due to the aggressive metastasis of the cancer.

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