Effective Communication in the Workplace

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Understand Why effective communication is important in the work setting. Communication is the act of transferring information from one person to another. We communicate in a variety of different ways that may be verbal and non verbal. People communicate for a variety of reasons and it is essential to communicate effectively to build and maintain positive relationships. Some of the reasons people communicate are to express feelings, build relationships, gain understanding, pass on and receive information, share knowledge and opinions and to help us to anticipate and predict behaviour. People communicate to express their needs and desires and understand and be understood and it allows us to understand and predict the behaviours of others and aids us to make decisions and solve problems. We communicate to meet the needs of others and also ourselves. Effective communication is vital in the work setting as we communicate with a variety of people and we need to ensure we pass on information and listen actively to be able to meet the needs of service users and staff. We have to communicate well with colleagues to ensure the smooth running of things, to make sure information is handed over clearly and to avoid confusion and allow continuity of care and minimise risk. We have handover between shifts three times a day to pass on information and share concerns so we can ensure service users are well supported and also that staff are fully aware of what is going on in the project and able to do carry out their role safely. We communicate with different agencies and handover information about clients so it is important to be clear and concise. The substance of a support workers role is to have good interpersonal skills and be able to communicate well with a variety of people, from different backgrounds. We have to build therapeutic relationships with
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