Youth Justice Essay

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“Outline the concept of risk and resilience factors within the field of Youth Justice. Analyse your case study using Moffitt’s risk taxonomy”, Within Youth Justice, children and young people are assessed using the Common Assessment Framework to pinpoint risk factors which may highlight key areas that need to be targeted to prevent and offending and reoffending. Risk can be described by a range of factors such as inconsistent parenting, low income, disadvantaged neighbourhood and early involvement in crime and drug misuse just to name a few (Dugmore et al 2006). Risk factors can be classified as static, meaning things that cannot be changed such as age and gender, and dynamic factors such as employment and housing are those which are likely to change. Alongside risk factors, resilience is something that needs to be considered. It can be surprising at how resilient children and young people can be in certain situations and how they can adapt to their circumstances. Three core areas within resilient factors are individual, family and school and local neighbourhood. Youth Offending Teams (YOTs) will try and target these protective factors and encourage intervention specifically aimed at promoting protective factors. Key elements of effective practice within YOTs are assessment, planning and supervision as these are seen to be essential for ensuring that young people’s needs are met and also to reduce offending and reoffending (Burke 2008). In 1993 Moffitt produced a theory of developmental taxonomy, he believed there were noticeable differences between adolescence-limited and life –course-persistent antisocial behaviour. Some children behave antisocially in a temporary and situational way which is very common during adolescence, however, some behaviour will be persistent and stable although it is only a small number that fall into this classification.
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