Work-Family Conflict Essay

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Work-family conflict is defined as problems created on the job because of family related issues and belief or problems created at home due to work related issues. Work-family conflict can cause more problems that people are willing to admit. I recently started looking for a new job to advance my career and family related issues are making it very hard to find or search for a job. My first priority is to find a job that will allow me to be home in the evenings to care for my family. This may sound selfish but I have twin boys that just started kindergarten and working to seven o’clock Monday through Friday just will not work for me. My husband recently retired from the Army and started a new job where he works shift work. His position requires him to work four to midnight, midnight to eight, and eight to four. The position, I interviewed for requires me to close and only spend thirty minutes a day with my boys, Monday through Friday. As a mother, I would rather stay in this present job where I’m unhappy but home by four every day. This situation also affects my home life because my family has to hear about all the problems and stress this job is causing me which puts me in a no win situation. My family values will not allow me to put a job ahead of my family and for me this causes a work-family conflict. There should be a balance in everyone’s life according to their beliefs and values. In my life, God is my first priority, family then work. If work will keep my from attending church and spending time at home than I feel it’s truly not worth it but how do you make ends meet. You stay in a job where the pay is okay, you can live according to your family values and your family can be first. According to the job performance model, individual inputs and job context are the key factors that motivate job performance. The skills that a person possesses

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