Work Based Assignment

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Work Based Assignment : D3.01 and D3.02 Tammy Thomas I am a Customer Service Manager at the DVLA, where I have worked for the last 5 years I am the direct line manager of 10 staff within a team of 28. I will often deputise for the Office Manager when she is on holiday. Ensuring Good Practice In Coaching Describe how you can ensure that your workplace coaching is effective, demonstrates respect for learners’ views and attitudes, promotes equality of opportunity and does not abuse or otherwise take advantage of your position. Role- The role of a workplace coach is one to help a coachee look at where they are presently and where they want to be. The coach could be seen as a guide to help the coachee reach their desired destination. The coach may be a line manger with performance responsibilities but they may also be someone completely independent. It is the role of the coach to determine whether the coaching they are completing is online or offline. Offline coaching is where the coach has no line management responsibility for the coachee, whilst online coaching means that the coach is also the coachees line manager. I generally conduct online training with people for whom I have performance responsibility. It is the role of the coach to be aware of whether the coachee needs to be directed towards an issue or whether the coachee can be self directed and identify the problem for themselves. I generally find that I use directive coaching with my staff as I am more aware of what needs to be improved than my staff. Responsibilities- The responsibilities of an effective workplace coach include the planning and organising of any workplace coaching. Most coaching sessions will require some element of planning, from time allocated through to room booking and equipment finding. The coach is also responsible for ensuring that anything they are told by the coachee is kept
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