Windows vs Unix vs Apple

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UNIX/Linux versus Mac versus Windows Preamble Although there are important differences in the Linux, Mac, and Windows operating systems (OS), it is important to note many of the similarities. By understanding what these operating systems have in common, the significance of the differences is clear. According to Andrews (2007), OS’s share the common four main functions: 1. Provides a User Interface (UI) – performs user requests concerning storage devices, including formatting disks, deleting, and copying files, and changing the computer system’s date. The OS UI provides a way for users to manage applications, data, software, and hardware. 2. Manages Files – each OS manages, creates, stores, retrieves, deletes, move files, and data on hard and optical drives. 3. Manages Applications – each OS installs, uninstalls, runs applications and manages the interface to the hardware for an application. 4. Manages Hardware – each OS manages the permanent programs and memory. All three OS’s also diagnose software and hardware problems and interpret the needs of each. With the similarities in the forefront of our minds, let us delve into the depth of the differences in the Linux, Mac, and Windows operating systems. Overview of Operating Systems In the today’s world, technology comes in many forms. Today, the terms ‘cupcake’ and ‘sandwich’ are common terms for an operating system (OS) for Android. This brings TEAM to the purpose of writing this thesis comparing the Windows OS, Linux OS, and the MAC OS. With OS versions popping up all around, a reference document is important to have, going forward; to guide us in the right direction, depending on our individual needs for the OS. The design of the operating system is important because the OS implements its own set of concurrent threads and processes. This is the main reason some companies choose a Linux-based

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