Why Veterans Are Important

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Some of my fondest memories as a young child are of sitting with my Great Grandfather and listening to his numerous stories about his time serving in World War II. Across the nation every day veterans share personal stories just like my Great Grandfather did about their time serving in one of our nation’s five military branches. Our great nation is built on the backbones of our veterans and we owe them a great deal of respect for all that they have done. As our nation continues to grow, we can expect that our veterans will be right at the front of it leading us to a bright and successful future. Veterans are important to our nation’s history and future through leading our country as President, contributing to society as skilled workers, and sharing their personal stories of time spent overseas. Out of the forty-three Presidents that have lead our extravagant nation, fifteen of this leaders have been military veterans. The most common one that comes to mind is our nation’s first president and that is George Washington. Washington’s most prominent role in our nation’s military was as Commander in chief during the American Revolution. Over the time of his presidency, serving from 1789 to 1797, Washington oversaw the creation of a strong national government. One of his achievements include the cabinet system, were he appointed people to help him make decisions, and the cabinet system is still in use today. Also Washington was responsible for keeping The United States neutral, giving our nation time to grow and populate before becoming involved in raging wars across Europe. Washington is just a prime example of how a veteran has been important to our nation’s history, and his precedents will contribute to our nation in years to come. Another important figure that has led our nation is “Old-Hickory” himself, better known as Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson was the seventh

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