Why Teenagers Dont Need Credit Cards

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Teenagers Should Not be Issued Credit Cards Teenagers are commonly viewed as indulging in a reckless lifestyle and ignoring their personal responsibilities in life. Teenagers often underestimate their financial responsibilities as they confine their view of life to instant satiety and gratification. Their irrational tendencies serve to undermine how they are able to fulfill their responsibilities as they view their personal pleasure as outweighing any possible consequences emerging from their actions. They often abuse their own financial resources for the sake of living more independently from their parents, but this kind of behavior illustrates that teenagers are in no position to have and use credit cards. Teenagers should not be issued credit cards as they are unable to fulfill their finanial responsibilities due to the fact they first need a solid education and strong credit history, and that teenagers turn to reckless spending that drains their economic resources. Credit card companies target teenagers as many believe that credits cards teach them about financial responsibility; however, the fact is that credit cards often increase teenagers' likelihood of being financially irresponsible. The teenage reality revolves around behaving irrationally for the sake of maximizing one's personal pleasure. This fact illustrates that teenagers frequently ignore their personal responsibilities as they are too preoccupied with having fun. The recent national economic collapse illustrates that reckless behavior was the cause of many problems due to how a large majority of people failed to pay their debts. Adults have a difficult time balancing their financial needs, and hence teenagers are far less likely to succeed in maintaining a balance due to their lack of maturity and understanding of a financial situation. Teenagers often perceive themselves as being

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