Why Should Animal Testing Be Bannes

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Countless animals are used for scientific testing of different types of products. Just in Australia more than 6 million animals are dying every year. Imagine how many animals are dying in the world? Animals testing are the trailing of products or their ingredients on animals. That could involve injection, application of chemicals to their skin or feeding the animals chemicals in the laboratory. Many people internationally think animal testing should be banned because it is cruel and certainly painful for the animal. The results aren’t always reliable which is a waste of animals’ life. Drug testing has to be cruel because it trying to find out if a substance harms people. The animal may be poisoned; deprived of food, water or sleep; experience skin and eye irritants; be subjected to psychological stress; deliberately infected with diseases; irradiated; burned, gassed, forced fed or electrocuted. Sometimes scientists already know the effects of tests on animals will be deadly like penicillin which kills guineapigs; aspirin which kills cats and causes birth defects in almost all laboratory animals. Some people say it doesn’t matter because they were created for the benefit of human. However do scientists have the right inflict pain on animals just so that it is safe for us to use things like make up, shampoos, conditioners, food additives, and cleaning products? There are many products that work. Much of the animal testing is to develop better or different products. Is any progress here worth the suffering and the lives of innumerable animals? There is a huge cost of lives in testing products on animals. Hundreds of millions of animals are used annually in research and teaching around the world. Just in the usa and estimate 17 top

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