Why Schools Should Prevent Giving Homework to Students

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Although homework is widely considered to be an indispensable element of learning, its completion produces no significant improvement in the academic performance of the students. First, homework has not been shown to cause an increase in the academic achievements of students. Second, the frustration many students experience due to homework causes them to lose their interest towards academics. Third, the learning approach utilized by homework assignments does not stimulate higher order thinking. Hence, schools should prevent assigning regular homework because students gain no benefit related to their academics from this widely used learning tool. Homework does not improve learning because there is no direct relationship between the amount of homework completed and test scores of the student. When the results of all major studies published in the last two decades are analyzed, any correlation between homework and student achievement is shown to be modest. These studies also note that such relations diminish when more complex controls such as student aptitude and home environment are applied to the research data (Public Schools NSW). Moreover, it has been observed that countries with highest scoring students on standardized tests come from Japan, Czech Republic and Denmark, where teachers assign little homework. Meanwhile, the countries with lowest scoring students come from Iran, Greece and Thailand, where assign a lot of homework (Baker and LeTendre 180). This evidence shows that there is no factual basis for the claim that teachers use homework to improve the grades of the students. Hence, homework has no significant correlation with the academic performance. A student’s academic performance is also determined by his motivation towards the learning material. Homework creates frustration among the students when they fail to meet the teacher’s requirements due to
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