Why My Voice Is Important

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Ginger N 9th Grade 7 Jan. 2013 Why My Voice Is Important Why my voice is important. Why is the voice Important? The voice is used for many things, such as singing, talking or the random babble you do with your pets. The majority of your feelings and opinions are expressed through the voice, making it unique in its own way. Since the day you were born, the only way of communicating with your parents was your cries. So why is my voice important? My voice is important because if I were to not to have a voice, how would I be able to communicate? If I were to not have a voice, how am I to be heard? I believe my voice is important because it is the key to being heard. Being heard can change the world around you, and the people as well. Many well known people around the world made great changes to our society today, and it all started with a voice. Martin Luther King Junior did not change the world with a whisper; the world was changed with a speech. The speech, I have a dream established his reputation as one of the greatest orators in the history of American. With this speech, Martin Luther King Junior received the Nobel Peace Prize for combating racial inequality through nonviolence. If Martin Luther King junior kept is thoughts to himself, the world may still be in racial crisis. “Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning” (Maya Angelou) The average person uses 16,000 words per day, and each word carries its own meaning. 16,000 words every day just to express how I feel, my needs, and my opinions. In my situation, I use my voice on day to day basis to greet my friends, ask questions, and joke around. Without my voice how am I able to express myself clearer than that? Without my voice, I would become only another face in the crowd. With my voice, I express my feelings and my point of view.
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