Why Men Are the Submissive Sex

1964 Words8 Pages
Why Men Are The Submissive Sex. By William Bond We have been told for thousands of years, that men are the natural dominant sex and women are naturally submissive. And this is confirmed by the fact that men dominate every government in the world. We still have only a minority of female politicians and a very small minority of female leaders of countries. The same is also true in business, law and religion, women, are in the minority anywhere, wherever there is power and status. If we look back in recorded history the situation is even worse. Very few women have ever achieved power. We can think of a few Women like Cleopatra, Elizabeth 1and Catherine the Great but the vast majority of rulers have been men. And if we go back before recorded history we are told that men were even more dominant. The caveman, we are told, was an aggressive brute who dominated cavewoman through extreme violence. So the picture we are given, is that man, always has and always will, dominate women. It is true that feminism claims that men and women are equal and the same, but this claim doesn’t square with the facts. There has never been a time in recorded history where men and women have been equal, and Feminism can only point to a few stone-age tribes where this might have happened. So with all this overwhelming evident that seems to prove that man is the dominant sex, how is it possible to claim that man is the natural submissive sex? The reason is, is that man’s natural submissiveness is the reason why alpha men rule our world. Throughout most of history there have always been powerful warlords, kings and emperors whom have gained power through violence and warfare. The origins of all countries and empires have been through warlords who have conquered other people and ruled over them. Much is written about very successful generals like Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Julius Cesar,

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