Why Meaningful Prayers Involve More Than Words

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Why Meaningful Prayers Involve More Than Words (Ps. 145:18; Matt 22:37) You know that the basis of any real friendship is good communication. Being able to share your thoughts, concerns and feelings with a close friend, parent or spouse. The stronger our friendship, the more meaningful our communication is. Through prayer we are able communicate the same with our loving father, Jehovah. We’re able speak to Jehovah as if pouring out our hearts to a close friend, parent or a spouse. Our meaningful prayers involves more than words though. Let turn in our bibles to Matt 22:37 Why Meaningful Prayers Involve More Than Words. “‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’ So meaningful prayers involves loving Jehovah with our whole heart, soul and mind. Having full reliance on Jehovah. Our prayers give evidence of the warm, close relationship we feel and have with, our heavenly father. Since prayer is a vital means of drawing close to Jehovah, we must consider the quality of our prayers. It has been noted, under stressful circumstances our prayers are especially sincere and meaningful. But what about our everyday prayers? Do they give evidence of the warm, close relationship we have with Jehovah? Do we give our prayers the thought they deserve and make sure that they really come from our figurative heart? It is easy to let our prayers deteriorate in these respects. Because of our inherited imperfect inclinations, our hearts can easily deceive us, robbing our prayers of the qualities they should have. We may find our prayers to become mechanical, routine or repetitious. At times we are inclined to rush and hurry through our prayers. We cannot expect Jehovah to be pleased with such prayers, nor do we benefit from saying them. To avoid some of these pitfalls we can

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