Why Do Presidents Become More Powerful

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History essay * Presidents have become more powerful over time If you do win, the power rush is huge. The President of the United States is certainly the most powerful person in the world—but, interestingly, the Constitution's drafters did not expect this to be the case. In fact, James Madison, the Constitution's principal architect, worried that the "balance of powers" tilted toward the House of Representatives. Madison believed that its control over taxes and spending and its ability to make laws that narrowed the powers of the executive and the judiciary made the legislative branch the real center of national power. But from the start, presidents worked to protect and expand their turf—and they generally succeeded. George Washington set the precedent; when Congress requested documents pertaining to the controversial Jay Treaty, he refused to turn them over, introducing the doctrine of executive privilege and…show more content…
When confronting the scientific complexities of environmental supervision or the financial intricacies of banking regulation, Congress's 535 members rarely manage to agree on more than the broad outlines of a legislative proposal. Consequently, many of the details are left for the president to work out after he is handed the bill for implementation. The president gets to decide how to prioritize the legislation's content and how to interpret its critical sections. And the president also possesses the authority to appoint the staff that will oversee or run any agency or board created by the congressional act. Thus there was a certain "natural" tendency for the presidency to expand as history progressed. But there were other factors contributing to the growth of the office, as well. For example, the presidency is more unified than the legislative branch. The executive office centers on one person—and therefore, the office more easily speaks with one
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