Why Did The General Kolchak Win The Revolutionary War

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The first reason was that the Whites were disunited. They were a coalition of different enemies of the Bolsheviks (Social Revolutionaries, Mensheviks, Tsarists, army officers angry at Brest Litovsk, and nobles whose land had been given to the peasants). In fact, all these different groups hated each other! They were disunited and their armies were thousands of miles apart – Generals Yudenich and Deniken attacked Russia from the west, Admiral Kolchak from the east. This meant that Trotsky could co-ordinate his forces much better, and fight his enemies one at a time. The second reason was Trotsky, who was a brilliant war leader and strategist, so the Red Army had good tactics. A third reason was belief. Many Russians were Communists,
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