Lenin's Victory In Russia Civil War

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To what extent was Lenin’s victory in the Civil War due to the weakness of his opposition? Lenin and the Bolsheviks’ victory in the Civil War cannot be given one main reason. A combination of the weakness of the whites and the strengths of the reds eventually led to the victory of Lenin and the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks were provided with strong leadership, ruthlessness, the Red Army fighting for them and most importantly: the geography of Russia. Whereas, the White army was faced with: a divided leadership, low moral, corruption and brutality within the army and the downside of the vast geography of Russia. The White party faced many problems which caused them to be militarily and politically weak. They did not have one person in charge of the White forces. Whereas the Bolsheviks had the advantage of Lenin, the whites had Yudenich, Wrangel, Kolchak and Denikin. These men were rivals and each trying to gain control of the White party. A main problem that they faced was that within them there were different groups. These were the Mensheviks, Socialists, Revolutionaries, Cadets and Officers of the old Tsarist army. The problem was that the white party faced was that these groups found it hard to come to decisions and to co-operate with each other. This meant that ordered were not issued promptly due to disagreements. The second White weakness was their army. It was not one collective unit but was split up all over Russia. This meant that no fast, powerful offensive could ever be mounted. The individual armies were nowhere near as strong as the Bolsheviks united army and therefore, in battles the whites would always loose. The Peasants believed that if the whites did take over then they would not do a very good job. They believed that the whites would take away the land that they gained in 1917 and so they would not give the Whites any support. Without this
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