Why Did the Crusading Ideal Prove so Durable

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Why did the crusading ideal prove so durable, despite the failure of many of the crusades? Spanning nearly two centuries, proved without doubt a powerful method of ensuring a strong foreign agenda. However the meaning of Crusade is sometimes distorted, as it could be made for several reasons. It was an act of chivalry, pious in nature, but chivalry none the less. By the 1300’s this term was deep set in the knights and nobles of the period, and its meaning discussed widely. The stranglehold of the Vatican dominated Europe, its largest nation the Holy Roman Empire. Education was primarily though Universities owned and run by the Church, and Catholicism was practiced throughout Europe. The ideal of a ‘Crusade’ in the Vatican’s eye was the use of faith as an initiative, and for a king; appeasing the pious revellers dissatisfied with your rule. Religious activism was central to European military activity up to the 1500’s, and despite their failures at times, the mentality of Catholic Europe acted as the driving force, as no Crusade could embark without answering the call made by the Pope. In this, it is important to first put attention on the religious aspect of a Crusade. Despite the lack of an unambiguous definition of ‘Crusade’, a plight Mayer saw as necessary, it was impossible for a Crusade, or its ‘Crusaders’ to set off to the Holy lands without good reason. Papal dictation was the key component to military action in the Baltic regions, Spain, and Jerusalem. Natural resentment towards the Muslim settlers was instilled through the church, and it was because of this the Papacy was able to use Crusades from the 1200’s onwards to remove threats in Spain and to the east. The coherent theme of the following crusades was the use of the defence of the Holy Land as a catalyst for rallying Christian Knights to the Pope’s right hand. By the Grace of God and the zeal
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