Why Did Russia Manipulate India

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The Soviets realized that the economic weapon of industrialization had much more impact than military cooperation. The Soviet leaders thought that the rise of industry would foster the growth of a working class proletariat and this proletariat would eventually lead to the rise of a revolutionary ferment in the developing countries. That’s why after Stalin, Soviet leaders dropped the policy of isolation and started to use ‘economic weapon’ to tame the developing countries of the third world. The Soviet leaders also bore in mind Lenin’s comments: …for only when the Indian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Persian, Turkish workers and peasants join hands and march together in the common cause of liberation—only then will decisive victory over exploiters be ensured. Let us see how the Soviets tried to manipulate India. Before 1950 Soviet Union’s trade with India was virtually nil and there was no agreement of aid assistance. But during 1953-1964 Indo-Soviet trade and aid volumes raised as follows: 1953…show more content…
The role played by Moscow during the Tashkent Peace Conference following the Indo-Pak War in 1965 gave the Soviet Union a diplomatic lead in this sub-continent. Gradually India tilted toward the Soviet influence. When Mrs. Indira Gandhi was elected as a Prime Minister in 1966, The Pravda expressed the hope that as a daughter of Nehru, she would implement his ideas and contribute to the further development of the Soviet-India relations. In a congratulation message to Mrs. Gandhi, Prime Minister Kosygin wrote: We are convinced that the Government headed by you will follow the road of Jawaharlal Nehru and implement his ideas… I would like to express the assurance that as the head of the Government of India you will contribute to the further development of friendship and cooperation between India and the Soviet Union. In reply to Kosygin, Mrs. Indira Gandhi
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