Compare And Contrast Fdr And Stalin

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Roosevelt, the president of America, Stalin the general secretary of Russia and Churchill the prime minister of Britain met to talk about how they were going to stop a Hitler (and his army – Nazi’s) from taking over and killing more innocents. They met twice during world war two, and these meetings were called “conferences”. The first time they met was in a city called Teheran in the country of Iran in November 1943. Churchill and Roosevelt agreed to send another group of soldiers to help stop then bad men (Hitler and the Nazis’), they called this action the “second front”. Stalin’s country nicknamed themselves the “Soviet Union” and he got Roosevelt and Churchill to agree that he and the Soviet Union could declare war on Japan once Hitler and Germany were defeated. They also agreed that an organisation called the United Nations was to be set up, here all the powerful people from each country could discuss issues with each other and ask for help. Roosevelt and Stalin pushed away their previous arguments and seemed to become friends. However they met again in a city called Yalta, in Russia, and, upon discovering there closeness to the defeat of Germany, they decided more conditions and policies for when defeat had been reached. They…show more content…
The aim of Cominform was to help the S.U to co-ordinate the communist parties around Europe. This ensured that all states in Eastern Europe followed Soviet aims in foreign policy. Also they introduces Soviet style economic policies such as collectivisation of agriculture and state control of industry. They also purged members of the states who disagreed with Moscow. Comecon, however, was supposed to me a means of giving financial support to Eastern Europe. But they in fact used it to control economics and access the resources produces by the satellite states. They also encouraged economic specialisation within the Soviet
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