Why Did Puritan Slaves Compare To Indentured Servants In The 1600s

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Chapter 3/4 On-line STUDY QUESTIONS Chapter 3 "Settling the Northern Colonies, 1619 - 1700" Chapter 4 “American life in the Seventeenth Century People, Places. & Concepts John Calvin predestination Puritans Non-conformists Separatists Mayflower Compact William Bradford Bible Commonwealth Archbishop Laud John Winthrop Migration Anne Hutchinson Roger Williams Thomas Hooker New England Confederation Dominion of New England Edmund Andros Glorious Revolution Harvard College Half-Way Covenant New Amsterdam New Sweden Peter Stuyvesant William Penn "Bread Colonies" Questions 1. What is the difference between Puritans and Separatists? 2. Why did King James I dislike the two groups? 3. What is the importance of the Mayflower Compact? 4. What advantages…show more content…
What was most often the outcome for indentured servants in the 1600s? 8. What was Bacon's Rebellion? Its impact? 9. Where did the majority of African slaves end up in the 1600s? 10. Why did the American reliance on African slaves increase after 1680? 11. Describe some of the impacts of slave culture on American society? 12. Where was slavery the harshest? 13. Explain how racism became a central concept in the slave trade? 14. How did African slaves compare to indentured servants as a labor force? 15. How did slavery impact the social structure of the South? 16. What group made up the largest portion of the southern social ladder? 17. How would the typical colonial New England family be described? 18. Why were Southern women generally allowed to hang on to property titles? 19. Why weren't Northern women generally allowed to hang on to property titles? 20. How did New England society expand? 21. What was the purpose of the New England town meeting? Its impact? 22. What caused the Salem Witch Trials? The impact? 23. What was the basis of the New England economy? How did it compare to the Chesapeake economy? 24. How did New England impact the settlement of the rest of the United States? 25. How did the lifestyle of the English colonists compare to their European

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