Why Criticizing Others Is a Lot More Harmful Than You Think

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Why Criticizing Others Is a lot more Harmful Than You Think In this article Donna Labermeier, writes about criticizing other people, and its affects on them. She writes that people don’t understand what criticizing others will, and what it can do to people. It’s in human nature, maybe your having a bad day. Maybe, you had to work overtime, or your having problems at home. Your not going to care about anyone but you, so maybe you see someone walking down the hallways at school. They might not be as good looking, or popular as you, so your first thought is to make fun of them to make yourself feel better. She goes on to list different ways criticizing someone can hurt him or her. She writes, about negative energy, and how you give it, you’ll get it back. I agree with this statement, if you’re out to be mean and angry. You’ll find yourself surrounded by angry people. None of the energy will be good and put to good use. You’ll continue to find yourself in bad situations. Her next point is that most people that lash out on another. They are really talking about them self’s. They have something going on with themselves, isn’t good. They just want to put their problems on someone else. It’s in human nature to find their imbalance and to fix as fast as possible. Her final point is that, we need to set a good example for are children, and the future generations. We need to leave are kids with the best place possible to grow up. No one wants their children to grow up hating the world, and each other. So lets leave this place the best as possible. I believe the best point was her second point. It really made sense and brought up humans, and real life stuff. It really showed that humans would do what will make them fell better in their lives. We all just need to realize that we don’t know this persons mind, and their life. They could be going through one of the
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