Why Huckleberry Finn Should Be Banned

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The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is the story of a young white boy and a slave’s journey to the North. Though it’s a very touching tale, it’s one of the most controversial books to date. Throughout the book, the use of the “N” word is very prominent. Twain doesn’t use this word just five or six times, but instead uses it a whopping two hundred and nineteen times. Although it is offensive, I believe that schools should use the original version in lieu of the censored copy. The censored version replaces the “N” word with “slave” for each and every time it is used. The problem with this is there is a different connotation between the word “slave” and the “N” word. Those words mean completely different things,…show more content…
Readers could argue that Twain’s main point of the novel was to be offensive. But either way, he did just that. Times have changed and that word has no longer become an acceptable word for people to use. Most African American students grew up being taught that it was a horribly offensive word, and to never use it. So with that being said, many students could feel uncomfortable hearing it at school. Also, if the class isn’t really a diverse classroom, that could make it even harder. Students won’t feel that it’s appropriate to speak up about being uncomfortable with the language or word choice, especially when the other students don’t seem to mind. The last thing a student wants is to be the odd guy out. The word is blatantly attached to racism, and that makes it a hard case to argue. But, students have to understand that it is a historical part of the past that nobody can erase. It sheds light on the topic in a way that no social studies class could achieve. It takes the facts, and puts them into a story and characters that you’re able to become emotionally attached to. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a very important story for every high schooler to read. Although it does a little more then slightly hint at the racism in that time period, it also teaches readers. It shows racism in such a horrible light, that nobody could revert to such a thing. Our past isn’t always the nicest thing to look upon, but it’s still there. The difference is what we do in the future, and this novel teaches us that everyone is equal and shall be treated as
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