Why College Education Is Important

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Aritha Allick 2248877 EN110.6.2 Achieving Academic excellence. Writing Assessment 5-06 March 31 2013 A College Education is important to me because the work force has become a very competitive place where employees are now looking for qualified persons to employ. I would like to attain a college degree for three main reasons. The three reasons are, to be a role model for my son, better job opportunities, and for financial benefits. A college education will open up a new chapter in my life and it will be the beginning of new opportunities and growth for my future. A College Education will not only make me feel proud but it will serve as a role model to my son and other family members who were not in the position to obtain one. By elevating myself, I believe that it will make me someone who my son can pattern his life off and try to surpass my achievements. Therefore, getting a degree will not only benefit me, it will also influence the life and the path that my son chooses. Every year the cost of living goes up and salaries never seem to follow the same trend. By obtaining a college degree one will be one notch up above everyone else that do not have one. This will put you in a position to have a better paying job. A college degree will not only shows that you are now a trained professional but it also shows that you are now ready for the work world and ready to put your knowledge to use. One advantage that I will have above the others is my work experience. Although a degree looks good on a resume, employees always feel better knowing that persons applying for a job had prior work experience. The financial benefits of a college degree can be very rewarding. A college degree will put me in the position to make a lot more money than I currently make. Being financially secure will enable me to lead a more comfortable and rewarding life. I will be able

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