What Were The Main Obstacles To The Integration Of

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What were the main obstacles to the integration of minorities in twentieth century? United States, in the Twentieth Century, had many obstacles to the integration of minorities. Integration of minorities means to fit in a certain type of people into society to be recognized. In the twentieth century two huge examples would be African Americans and Women. African Americans were segregated from the whites and also Women had no rights because Men were seen as the alpha male. The obstacles of the two would probably fit into the race and gender of how America was back in the twentieth century. African Americans were always hard to be put in society in the 1900’s because of slavery. Even though slavery had ended in the 1950’s, they were still not accepted into society. The northern parts of the United States accepted African Americans, and many try to escape to the north to try to get employed and leave the racial segregation in the south. The south had state laws that prevented African Americans from doing what they believe are right. (265, packet) Even though it was said that, African Americans are equal to whites under the constitution, as long as part of the United States still have the segregation going on, then the African Americans do not have rights in the whole country. This was a huge obstacle to stop the racism and try to fit them into the society to live with whites. Women were part of the minorities along with the blacks because of the way they were treated. They were treated less than men because they seemed weak and useless. They did not have freedom in the Twentieth century. In work, they were paid less and they ought to be stay at home wives. The women’s rights movement was known because of the way that they fought for what they deserved. In 1920, they were granted the rights to vote. Even though it seemed they had victory because of the movement,
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