What Was The Importance Of The New Constitution Essay

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Kelley Hogan History 201 US September 20, 2011 Importance of the new Constitution on Early America America, at the beginning, needed to establish a strong central government; therefore they wrote the first Constitution, called the Articles of Confederation. But as in many first tries it was unsuccessful in establishing a strong government, as division caused many faults in the political and social spectrum. Many faults and strengths of the Articles of Confederation played into the role of the new Constitution. The importance of this first Constitution in relating to the new Constitution is realizing the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, the strengths of the New Constitution and the Federalists versus Anti-Federalists debate. The first factor to play into the new Constitution was the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation created many problems, such as the tax system, the bill ratification process, and the inability to regulate commerce between the…show more content…
The Federalist Papers written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay were influential in spurring the American people on to the idea of a stronger central government. The major Anti-Federalists were Patrick Henry and Sam Adams, who vehemently opposed a new Constitution being ratified until the Bill of Rights was introduced. All in all the Anti-Federalist argument was weakly put together and failed to convince the public to stick with a revised version of the Articles of Confederation. All of these various factors contributed to the new Constitution because of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation the strengths of the new Constitution and the Federalists versus Anti-Federalists debate. Though we no longer go by the Articles of Confederation in today’s government this essay shows the many ways it was a major building block in today’s
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