What Were the Major Arguments That Surfaced in Opposition to the New Constitution Proposed in 1787? How Did Supporters of the Constitution Counter Those Arguments?

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What were the major arguments that surfaced in opposition to the new Constitution proposed in 1787? How did supporters of the Constitution counter those arguments? Before the Constitution was proposed in 1787, under the Articles of Confederation, there was no control of the country; debt was piling up and there was no enforcement of taxes. Many arguments surfaced in opposition to the new Constitution, but the main concern had to do with the concept of a “president” where there was a single executive leader and centralized government, and that there was no bill of rights. Supporters of the constitution countered these arguments by adding some safeguards in some cases and also by thoroughly explaining the limited powers that the leader and government would have and the necessity for a strong central government. The constitution called for one executive leader, the President, who many thought would resemble a dictator, and America would be just like it was during colonial times. The framers of the Constitution knew that there needed to be a centralized government with a single executive leader to lead the country. However, some people like Patrick Henry, feared that a president would lead to “absolute despotism” and that there were actually more checks and balances in the British system of kings and lords (Doc. A). The idea of the small confederacies, though they were not the most efficient ways of governing, seemed safer to many as less likely to abuse power. Others like George Clinton worried that a new, centralized form of government would not be possible to manage or maintain given the large territory of the U.S. and the vastly different interests and politics in the different states, that the country would end up divided. (Doc. D) Another point of opposition to the Constitution was that it lacked a bill of rights. Under the Articles of Confederation, each

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