What Was The Cause Of The Civil War

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Battles of the Civil War Everyone always asks each other what was the cause of the civil war why did states fight against each other why did the United States turn against each other when they were becoming one of the most powerful countries. In 1793 Eli Whitney came up with the invention of cotton gin which became one of the most profitable materials. This was one of the reasons for the civil war the economic and social differences between north and the south this cotton gin invention increased the number of plantation and the need for slave works and this mean cheap pay. South became very depended of the cotton and their slaves to work on their plantations north was taking the raw material and turning it into a good because it was industrialized…show more content…
Democrat Stephen A. Douglas Abraham Lincoln had won the election and the south was furious because they knew that Abe favored the North and wanted to abolish slavery so many of the states started to secede(Britannica Encyclopedia). So Abraham Lincoln knew that as much as he wanted to get rid of slavery he could not get rid of it completely it would make things worse and those south sates that took side with the union would of left so he had to please the north and the south so he did what he could do. All Abraham Lincoln wanted was for the confederate states to come back to the union to bring them back in so he promised that does states in rebellion in secession slavery would be banned from them if they did not return to the union many states did not listen because they had built their own government already. And did not want to lose their rights of having slaves because they dependent on them a lot for their plantations of cotton and without them they would lose their workers and money. The union was fighting for the freedom of slaves and to bring back the union to be united as one. This was way the civil war was started there were numerous battle fought and some of the battles were Fort Sumter near Charleston, south Carolina because this states one of the first states to secede the union was lucky to have a fort that was under the influence of the north in the south…show more content…
S. Garnett his armed men prepared to prevent the union troops from pushing through the mountain gaps into the Shenandoah valley but the union pushed through with a strong army so confederate was defeated and general Garnett surrender to McClellan on July fourteen. First battle of bull run was the first major land based confrontation of the American civil war (Ted Ballord). Lead by General Irvin McClellan were he felt like his army was not yet fully trained an needed more time but he knew that they had to move quick and so him and his troops set out to attack confederate. Many battles happened in this battle of Bull Run but unfortunately the confederate once again had their victory. Battle of Shiloh was were the union and confederates attacked each other camps and the confederate made many of the soldiers their prisoners both sides slaughter was badly and a devastating loss for the union troops most camps were taken over by the confederate all but one which was under the command of general Wallace not knowing he attacked the confederate army and many others joined 3000 confederate men died and 15000 union soldier as well had died they were buried and the dead horses were
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