What Is the Significance of the Opening Letters in Frankenstein? Explore with Reference to Form, Structure and Language

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Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein, has used a framing narrative in the opening letters of the novel, to help set up the major premise of the novel. Through the epistolary form it eases the reader into the story and adds a subplot that gives the main story texture and richness. This technique also focuses on the character parallels between Walton and Frankenstein, and how Walton foreshadows Frankenstein’s story. Many writers of the time wrote in the traditional romantic genre, however Shelley challenges this by writing in the gothic genre through the epistolary form and negative message she conveys through Victor of the dangers of romanticism. To force the reader to actively engage in the text, Shelley uses a fallible narrator unlike the traditional novel. Using the theme of ambition in the opening letters, foreshadows the fact that this theme will continue throughout the novel when we see this with Walton and Victor, such as when Walton says, “I am in good spirits: my men are bold …nor do the sheets of floating ice…appear to dismay them”. We view Walton as a sort of Romantic hero, obsessed and driven by his ambition and isn’t considering others. This portrays the extent Walton will go to gain knowledge yet isn’t considering the possible consequences. This may be deliberate to highlight Walton and Frankenstein character parallel and both their thirsts for knowledge. Shelley warns the reader that by having such adamant ambitions, although you may achieve them, the aftermath may not always be rewarding, such as for Frankenstein who was viewed as a mad man who isolated himself from society. Walton in the opening letters shows “one man’s life or death were but a small price to pay for the acquirement of knowledge.” This could potentially be intended foreshadow Walton ambition and how he doesn’t get to achieve it. Shelley highlights how both characters use

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