What Is Childhood Obesity In America

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Running Head: CHILDHOOD OBESITY IN AMERICA 1 Childhood Obesity in America Kilah Bryan-Lawson Liberty University Online CHILDHOOD OBESITY IN AMERICA 2 Abstract Childhood obesity has become quite a problem in America. This paper describes the obesity problem as a nationwide epidemic. It defines what it is to be medically obese and addresses the issues that adolescents face when they encounter this issue. This paper also discusses the reasons that childhood obesity has become an epidemic. It also discusses ways in which schools enable childhood obesity and gives ideas on what schools can do help prevent childhood obesity. This paper also addresses the influence that the family has on the issue of obesity.…show more content…
He is considered obese when his body mass index is at or above the ninety-fifth percentile for children his age and sex. Body mass index is determined by using the child’s weight and height and indicates how much body fatness a child has (Basics, 2012). There are many immediate and long-term health risks and emotional issues that a child faces when he is considered obese. Children who are obese are more susceptible to high cholesterol, high blood pressure, pre-diabetes and are at risk for bone and joint problems, and also sleep apnea. Also, a child who is obese is more likely to be obese during adulthood. Outside of serious health risks, an obese child is likely to battle with emotional issues like low self-esteem and depression (Santrock, 2012). One factor that contributes to the epidemic of childhood obesity is the child’s environment. A child’s environment greatly influences his eating habits and behaviors. One organization that influences a child’s eating patterns is his…show more content…
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 describes our bodies as being temples of the Holy Spirit. Because our bodies belong to the Lord, we ought to take the utmost care of them. Being obese leads to many health risks, and it is up to us to appropriately control the amount of food and drink we put into our bodies. Proverbs 23:20-21 warns us about gluttony. Gluttony includes the act of overeating or drinking in excess. The ability to say “no” to anything in excess should be an ability that is common to Christians. We are to use self-control in our eating habits. 2 Peter 1:5-7 speaks of self-control as a fruit of the
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