What, in Your Opinion, Is the Single Best Way to Address Poverty and Ill Health in Africa? Explain Your Answer

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What, in your opinion, is the single best way to address poverty and ill health in Africa? Explain your answer. In my opinion the best and most long term solution to address the problem of poverty is through quality education. Quality education is not only about attending a school, it is about receiving quality education including good infrastructure, working facilities such as flushable toilets and not open pits. Enough resources such as books and learning materials, as well as enough qualified teachers. I believe that rural schools should be upgraded to provide lunches so that the learners who attend school can spend less time being hungry and can focus for the duration of a lesson. Learners should be exposed to real life situations and taught practical lessons which can benefit their communities such as agriculture, health and science which can include concept such as water purification methods and technical lessons in which learners are supplied with adequate materials and are encouraged to come up with and build various methods which could benefit their communities. More lessons should be dedicated to the problem of HIV, AIDS and other highly contagious diseases. This should become a high focus area addressed by skilled and motivated teachers. Even if the focus is shifted to this topic over the next 10 years, it can alleviate future strain caused by this worldwide pandemic. So using the famous words of Nelson Mandela “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” I believe that by ensuring quality education, we ensure the growth of a country from root

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