What Are The Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Missouri Constitution

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US Constitution and Missouri Constitution The US Constitution and the Missouri Constitution lay out the world that we live in today. They have many similarities as well as differences. These two constitutions also have some strengths and weaknesses. As we take a better look at these principles that have been laid out for us we see how they both have been put into perspective in order to form the laws that make the world that we live in today function. They are the laws that form our government as well as forming the state of Missouri. The world that we live in today is based solely on the laws of the US Constitution. Our government is democratic, and was founded on the principles of the US Constitution. But as for the state in which I live today, these principles are founded by the Missouri Constitution. The US Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787 and since then it has been amended twenty seven times. There are 435 members of the House of Representatives and 100 members of the Senate. The Chief Executive Officer is the President who has a four year term. The Missouri Constitution was adopted finally after the fourth time in 1945. There are 163 members of the House of Representatives and thirty four members in the Senate. The Chief Executive Officer is the Governor whose term is also four years. Now…show more content…
With that being said I believe that it is a weakness because it leaves such a broad area and base for the state governments to create their own laws and constitutions. Another weakness would probably be that in the Missouri Constitution it states that in order to be a member of either the House or Senate you only have to be a resident for one year in that state. I think this is a weakness because I want somebody that is more devoted and educated on my state to represent
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