What Are Gender Roles, Stereotypes, and Stratification and How Are They Represented in Australian Society?

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What is the meaning of terms such as gender, gender roles, gender stereotypes and gender stratification and how are they affected by the culture and society in which people are raised? Are Australian people a product of our environment and are the identities that people create based on gender? The answer is undoubtable yes and this essay will show in greater detail why it is yes and the importance gender roles, gender stereotypes and gender stratification have in society, as well as give examples from every day life’s perspective. Before looking at the question of gender roles and stereotypes the term gender must be understood, so what is gender? The answer to this question at first glance for most is sex, but as Iiris Aaltio states “sex is the biological classification of humans into men and women, whereas gender is a cultured knowledge that differentiates them” (2002:4). Too truly comprehend gender is to appreciate its cultural proportions and that masculine and feminine genders contain ideals and values that are originally from culture and society. In the form of social classification, gender is one of the most effective means of control and it continues to be one of the first questions asked on any birth certificate, passport or legal identifying document. With the understanding that the term gender is a cultural classification of the biological definition between male and female, understanding of what a gender role is, is the next step. A gender role is described by Conrad P Kottak as “The tasks and activities that a culture assigns to each sex” (2011:419). Kath Woodward has identified a gender role as being “The social attributes associated with being a woman or a man in a particular society” (2004:44). But what does that actually mean. From the day of our birth we are enculturated into a twofold identity classification that is reinforced not only by our

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