Wellness Among Children

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Wellness among Children Sheronda Evans ECE 214 Nutrition and Health of Children and Families Jill Moody July 23, 2012 Wellness among Children This paper will be an informative paper explaining what I learned about my own wellness as well as the wellness of young children. Also, I will explain how nutrition, health and safety inter-relate my wellness and that of children. I will also explain how wellness can be taught to a preschool child. When I think of wellness I think about having good health; I think about having healthy lifestyles that which include; doctor visits, good eating habits, proper grooming, safe environments, and having a good mind state. We all may fall short of some of these, but it is ok! Acknowledging our faults is what is important. There is always room for improvement in our lifestyles. We have choices as adults, but in order to establish good habits within our children we must become great role models. As adults, we must try to grasp the understanding of how important it is to make proper health choices. When we have become comfortable with the ideal then we can incorporate this within the classroom to our students. Personally, I have started to watch my intake of sugary and fatty foods. I also, started doing aerobics twice a week. Currently, I am over weight for my height. According to my doctor I am considered over weight for my age, height and size. This is why I decided to turn my life around. The book says that “successful educators are open to new ideas and approaches that will improve children’s abilities to grow and thrive” (Sorte, Daeschel, & Amador. (2011). Pg. 25). In other words, we must remain open-minded. Teachers should be willing to indeed practice what we preach. If we are telling our children to eat healthy and yet we are eating junk food in front of the children time after time; I do not
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