We Didnt, My Papa'S Waltz

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Stuart Dybek, “We Didn’t” and Theodore Roethke, “My Papa’s Waltz” 4) How should one read “My Papa’s Waltz”? Is this a poem of love? Is this a poem of abuse? While reading “My Papa’s Waltz” it would be easy to see how this poem could be portrayed as abusive as opposed to loving. The language and phrasing makes the poem seem strong and abrasive. For example the son is described to cling to his father “like death”. This reflects a negative sentence when really the son is holding to his father as to not fall to the ground when his father dances around the kitchen. I reasoned that there was a strong relationship between them. It is also important to note that the father had been drinking. It is quite possible that the boy held on for his own protection, seeing as his father could drunkenly drop him at any time. The boy obviously trusts the father to hold him either way. As I continued through the poem I got the message that the mother probably wasn’t as outgoing as the father. According to line 8, she seemed displeased with the father’s frivolous behaviors with their son in the kitchen. I was curious as to why the mother’s character was not further discussed. The topic of abuse could fall under the fault of the mother as opposed to the father. The disapproving attitude I received from the mother could mirror the father’s normal position had he not been intoxicated. The next stanza introduced that the father was a hard worker. “The hand that held my wrist, was battered on one knuckle” implies that the father had been working. Naturally, I am going to assume the father received that injury while he was at work, possibly earning money to support his family. My stance is that the father loved his son and family and he worked to support
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