Water Bottle Argument

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Water Bottle Argument The use of bottled water is a controversial topic. Some people claim that water bottles are bad for the environment. They tend to focus on the waste of producing and disposing bottles and also how transporting the bottles can cause many inefficiencies. It has even been said to drink tap water in order to save money and the planet. These facts are based off the estimate made by The Earth Policy Institute which stated that about 1.5 million barrels of oil are used to make water bottles each year when instead this oil could be used to fuel about 100,000 cars. Transporting the water also requires fuel to be used in order to carry heavy loads. Others, however, believe that waste and transportation are not big issues. Cheap plastic is not hard to come by and filling up landfills with disposed bottles has not caused a higher price so there is no problem. Likewise, the low price of water indicates that transportation must not be that expensive. Where some say that tap water is free, others believe that it is not due to factors that contribute like the cost of drainage, piping, electricity, treatment, etc. Although both sides of this issue have merit, I believe that water bottles should not be an issue. Personally, I prefer the water from a water bottle due to it's connivence and despite what experiments say, I can tell a difference between tap and bottled water. I myself do recycle and having water bottles actually encourages me to drink water to be healthy. Instead of believing what little facts are given to eschew from water bottles, I choose to continue drinking

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